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Board Committee Membership 2024-2025

  • Executive Committee

    Mitch Frazer, Chancellor   

    Laura Elliott, Chair and Board Chair

    Carla Carmichael,  Chair of Audit & Finance Committee
    Steven Murphy, President & Vice-Chancellor

    Gaurav Singh, Chair of Governance, Nominations & Human Resources Committee

    Eric Agius, Vice-Chair & Chair of Strategy & Planning Committee

  • Audit & Finance Committee

    Carla Carmichael (Chair)

    Susanna Zagar (Vice-Chair)

    Kathy Hao (Pending)

    Nolan Bederman

    Laura Money

    Laura Elliott, Board Chair (ex-officio)

    Steven Murphy, President (ex-officio)

  • Governance Nominations & Human Resources Committee

    Gaurav Singh (Chair)

    Frank Carnevale (Vice-Chair)

    Kim Slade

    Neeraj Grotra

    Emily Whetung-MacInnes

    Dwight Thompson
    Laura Elliott, Board Chair (ex-officio)

    Steven Murphy, President (ex-officio)

  • Strategy & Planning

    Eric Agius (Chair)

    Lisa McBride (Vice-Chair)

    Ahmad Barari

    Paul Burns

    Matthew Mackenzie

    Peter Marchut

    Michael Rencheck

    Hannah Scott

    Laura Elliott, Board Chair (ex-officio)
    Steven Murphy, President (ex-officio)